Iran is one of the developed countries in the field of ceramic tile production. Due to the high population of Iran, the consumption of ceramic tiles in Iran is the eighth in the world and the export of its production reaches the seventh in the world. With these statements, Iran’s share of the global ceramic tile market is about four percent.

One of the most important reasons for the development of this industry in our country

  •  Existence of cheap and abundant mineral resources
  •  Low labor wages
  • Cheap energy sources
  • Appropriate profit margin

It is worth mentioning that currently in Yazd province alone, over three hundred thousand people are directly and indirectly employed in this industry, and this in turn has caused Iran to rank in the production of ceramic tiles.

History of industry and industrial clusters in Yazd province

Yazd’s name has been long associated with industry, productivity, and industrial activities and artisans of the province have had a distinguished and considerable role in providing the goods required throughout the country since many years ago. Hard work, compassion, contentment and saving have been associated with the essence of the people of this desert province and underlies their elevated culture in terms of work and production and this has provided the good cultural groundwork along with other relative advantages such as competent and experienced managers and employers, optimal growth of higher education, richness of the mines, being located in the center of the country and infrastructural facilities and appropriate services regarding ways, railways, airports, energy, telecommunications, etc. have provided suitable setting to develop industry in the province. Yazd province has an exclusive place in Iran’s industry and a significant part of the country’s industrial products; especially in the textile and non-metallic minerals sector, is produced in Yazd Province.